Thursday, April 9, 2009

How I found out I had Celiac Disease

I found out that I had Celiac Disease on the cusp of my 18th birthday. I had an older brother who had just been diagnosed prier to my diagnoses. I knew as soon as I heard what he had that I probably had the same thing. When I was younger I remember feeling yucky almost every time after eating a meal and also on some days I suffered from extreme fatigue. There where days where I would have energy and then the next I could hardly have the energy to do anything. I assume now that this reaction probably had to do with what I had been eating. I also remember wondering how everyone else seemed to have so much more energy than I did and at 17 and 18 I should have had the most energy of my life. After a while I just assumed that how I felt was normal and that I just needed to buck up and get motivated to have more I could will it, but I didn’t know what was really happening to my body. So as you can imagine when I heard what my brother had I knew I probably had the same thing and I was quick to research and make an appointment at my doctor’s office. I have now been living a gluten free diet for 8 years. I have had many ups and downs through the process but I am finally coming into my own with this gluten free lifestyle. Life is not easy but I feel blessed and have a very thankful heart for what I do have. I hope that I can be a help in anyway to anyone who needs help or support with their Celiac Disease. Good luck and heres to a happy and healthy future.


  1. How did you find out? A blood test?

  2. Yes, I had a blood test done. My doctors said that my blood test results where so high that they where sure that I had it. With my brothers history, all of my syptoms and then the blood test I was sure that I had celiac disease. I have been living a gluten free diet ever since.
