Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Celiac Denial?

Does anyone else experience Celiac Denial? There are probably different forms of Celiac Denial but this is what I am talking about. I have been on the gluten free diet for coming up on 9 years now. As those of you that have Celiac know when you go off of eating gluten you start to feel better or what we suppose is normal or what we suppose everyone else feels like. Anyways, so after time you feel better and healthier. This is when I have experienced what I call the Celiac Denial where I started to question my Celiac Disease. I have caught myself saying... are you sure you have this Celiac Disease? Maybe I just thought I had it but I don’t really? Maybe I should just try that pasta, bread, cookie or cake and see if it was just a mistake that I have this Disease? Then I have to come back to reality and tell myself that the reason I feel so good now is because I am not eating those things and yes a bite or more would be harmful to my body. Unfortunately for now Celiac is a lifetime Disease and those of us that have it will have to live a lifestyle of gluten free our whole life’s. Let’s not deny it. I have learned to embrace my Celiac Disease and I hope that all of you that have this can do so as well. Here’s to no more denial and to an embraced happy, healthy gluten free future.


  1. Well, I can relate to having celiac denial for Jacie! Sometimes its just so hard keeping a gluten free diet going! Even though we decided not to find out whether she truly has celiac or just a gluten intolerance...I know keeping her gluten free will keep her happy and healthy!

  2. I know it is so hard sometimes to have deal with these things especially at the begining but when you feel better and your healthier it gets easier and is worth it. I hope it gets easier for you soon.
